Sunday, August 4, 2024
HomeBeautyTreatment to get rid of dark lips

Treatment to get rid of dark lips

Lips are one of the best parts it makes you look beautiful. When lips are red and beautiful it makes you look more attractive and gives a good appearance. There are various reasons responsible for the dark lips and most common features are exposing to the sun for longer periods, some cases are hereditary, too much smoking can also cause dark lips. There is lots of remedies available using which you can ensure the leaps are normal. Actual reason behind the dark lips is that it has lots of dead cells that are deposited over the lips. Rubbing of toothbrush is effective, but when brushed too forcefully can cause those fragile tissues to get effected. Apply lip balms and can maintain those parts effectively.

Causes of dark lips:

  • Most of the time lips turn dark because of following some bad habits, too much medicines, environmental conditions and ill health.
  • Following wrong lifestyle can also cause lips darkening.
  • Excessive smoking can be one of the causes which is frequently seen among males.
  • Sometimes allergies can cause the lips to change color and become dark.
  • In cold places your lips need to be covered with balms or creams so that the dry climate does not damage the tissues. So climatic conditions also plays vital role in darkening of the lips.
  • Too much drinking of tea and coffee can cause darkening.
  • Females use lots of lipsticks and other skin care products; this affects the lips too much. So use fewer products as possible.
  • Sometimes cheap and low grade lipsticks use can make your lips darken.
  • Exposed to sun for long periods can make the lips turn dark.

So as you can see there are lots of factors that are responsible for the skin turning dark and changing its original color. There are lots of natural remedies available and they plays an important role. So make sure you apply those and get good result. Here are some remedies discussed below.

  • Use of beeswax is helpful and uses those skin care products that are rich in beeswax.
  • Applying cucumber on the dark spots can be helpful and can reduce them effectively with regular use.
  • Extract of cocoa butter is helpful; it contains antioxidants and emollient which helps in softening the skin and thereby protecting the skin.
  • Consumption of milk everyday can help your cause. Milks contain lactic acid and has the white properties, so have those regularly and you can get a good lips.
  • Vitamin C is always helpful for the skin and no matter it is lip or the face they have shown good properties. So use vitamin C or vitamin c rich items in your diet regularly.
  • Applying butter on the lips gives you softer and silky lips.

However there are some home remedies available and once you follow such things you can feel the change. Few are discussed below.

  • Before going to sleep apply tooth paste on your lips and it helps in lightening them.
  • Ensure that you eat healthy as well as hygienic food rich in Vitamin C.
  • Never use cheap rate lipsticks and don’t use them too frequently.
  • Every night before going to sleep apply lip balm an take care of your lips regularly.
  • Apply yogurts on your lips every day.
  • Add lots of green vegetable and fruits in your diet.
  • Applying banana paste is also helpful in lightening the lips.
  • Almond oil is a good product and can be applied on the lips every day.
  • Leave all bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking of tea or coffee.
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