Treatments – An Entertainment Website | Health Care | Lifestyle Sat, 25 Feb 2023 13:32:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Role of hydrogen peroxide in curing ear infection Sat, 25 Feb 2023 13:32:51 +0000 Ear infections are very common among small kids and they very frequently get affected too much problems. The most common cause for such ear infections are from cold, sinus infection or any other problems. They are very irritating and can cause tremendous pain. From a kids point of view they are unable to resist the pain and should be treated immediately. There are lots of problems but the use of hydrogen peroxide is very helpful. Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless, odorless liquid which can be used as an oxidizing agent and can be useful for its bleaching properties. In such cases of ear infections they can help in killing the bacteria and other viruses. So use them in such cases.

How to use hydrogen peroxide:

Whenever you face such problems use 3 % of hydrogen peroxide and drop it on the ear, ensure it gets inside the ear and can reach the effected place. Keep it for 5 -10 minutes and then move your head the other side and deplete it out of the ear. This will help in killing the bacteria inside the ear.

Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide in case of Ear Infection:

·         A reaction which is caused by hydrogen peroxide can eliminate all the debris and tissues from the areas which can’t be easily reached.

·         It cleans everything in and around that place and ensures your ear is clean enough, they does not contain any high penetration rate.

·         This solution can be used to clean inside and outside of the ear canal.

·         The solution creates bubbles and thereby eliminates all the foreign and harmful particles from the body which can result in infection.

·         You can also easily remove earwax applying the solution.

So make sure you treat this problem accordingly and get out of the problem. At times they can cause lot of irritation and pain, so take care of it.

Causes and Treatment of Pulmonary consolidation Sat, 25 Feb 2023 13:18:35 +0000 The term applied when our lungs are filled with liquids and the air pockets of the lungs get filled up is ‘Consolidation’. Pulmonary consolidation is that respiratory condition where the lungs’ air pockets are filled with liquids like water, blood or pus. This disease is identified using an air bronchogram.

There are various causes that lead to pulmonary consolidation. Some of them are listed below:

1.       Infections caused due microbes and bacteria namely streptococcus pneumonia, also known as pneumococcus or staphylococcus or klebsiella.

2.      Due to various viral infections occurring in our body like influenza.

3.      Occurrence of fungal infection

4.      Due to consumption of Kerosene by accident. This happens by infants.

5.      When any dust particles or such other foreign bodies take entry into our bodies from our respiratory tract.

6.      If someone inhales poisonous gases or any toxic fumes

7.      The transudations of the fluids present in the pulmonary edema to the lungs. This can be caused due to cardiac failures.

8.      It can also be caused due to several other respiratory disorders like tuberculosis, pulmonary hemorrhage, bronchopneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome etc.

Pulmonary consolidation can be treated in several ways. A few of them are:

1.       Maintenance of general hygiene and applying vaccination. This will help to reduce lobar pneumonia

2.      The affected patience needs rest and should be under care

3.      For the improvement of the immunity system of the body, the person should follow a proper diet.

4.      To take out the mucus that is getting stored in the lungs the patient must take lime juice and honey.

5.      To increase bodily perspiration and increase in body heat, consumption of fenugreek tea is very important.

Thus, the effected person must be constant care in order to get well soon. Proper rest and adequate diet helps a lot.

Treatment for swollen taste buds Sat, 25 Feb 2023 13:07:46 +0000 Human tongue is one of the most important organs of the human body and it helps us to determine the taste of the food. There are nearly 8000 taste buds that determine the taste of the food. The taste buds are situated near the tongue and they play a role in determine the taste and flavors. The human tongue is divided into five oral sections like the tip, blade, front, center and the back. The tongue moves around the mouth, lips and teeth so that we can talk free, drink as well as eat. The tongue surface consists of tiny structures known as the taste buds and they play an important role. They help the humans to sense the taste of salty food, sour food, bitter, sweet and so many other flavors.

The taste receptors which are contained within the taste buds receive the signals to the human brain once it comes in contact with the saliva which brings the swallowed food. Each taste buds are situated within the tongue and they work accordingly, such as the sweet taste buds are situated over the tip of the tongue, bitter taste buds at the back of the tongue, salty taste buds at the sides of the tongue and sour taste buds situated at the lateral side of the tongue. Sometimes these taste buds get swollen when you eat something hot, too much spicy and some other problems as well. In certain cases if the swollen taste buds are not treated carefully they can cause some serious problems in the mouth like ulcers and tongue infections. However there are various reasons for swollen taste buds and they are mentioned below:

  • Rubbing or biting is one of the common reasons and you should be aware of it. Sometimes cross bite and other problems can make the taste buds swollen and can cause problems while eating. You may feel tasting the food and even at times can’t eat also.
  • Sometimes having too many spicy or acidic foods can cause swollen taste buds. The taste buds are very delicate and any kind of carelessness can cause problems. Consuming hot, spicy, salty or acidic foods sometimes causes swelling of the taste buds.
  • Sometimes it is reported that some kinds of allergies within the mouth can result in swollen taste buds. So make sure you keep your mouth clean and hygienic all the time. New toothpaste and other chemicals can be responsible.
  • Regular taking of alcohol as well as tobacco is very harmful for the mouth and they can causes serious infections in the tongue. Make sure you keep it clean and avoid such harmful items.
  • Sometimes mouth ulcers or tongue ulcers caused because of yeast or thrush infection can be one of the reasons for swollen or inflamed taste buds.
  • Physicians very often say that nutritional deficiencies and other lack of useful minerals can cause infections or problems within the tongue and thereby get the taste buds swollen. Low levels of vitamins like B complex can cause taste bud inflammation.
  • Sometimes side effects or reaction to any of the medication can result in swelling of the taste buds.
  • Irritation and other allergies within the tongue can be caused due to some acid reflux diseases. So consult a doctor as early as possible.

However there are some remedies to such problems and you can follow them

  • Take ice cream or apply it over the surface
  • Use herbs and other supplements for such problems
  • Applying yogurt is also helpful
  • Baking soda is also good for the taste bud swelling.
How to control Blood clot? Symptoms &Treatments Sat, 25 Feb 2023 12:28:36 +0000 Blood clots are normally formed and they help in stopping excessive blood from the body. Whenever the human body is hurt you can feel the blood coming out, this is because the blood vessels are injured. Blood clotting is done so that excessive flowing of blood can be stopped. During such cases the blood forms a solid body and helps lose of any more blood. But there are some cases when blood clot can be harmful. When there are blood clots within the body they can result in some serious problems and can be life threatening as well.

Symptoms of a Blood Clot:

  • During blood clotting heavy pain is complained along with inflammation, tenderness in the hands or legs, especially in arms.
  • The effected person experience abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • The other most worrying signs are they develop severe chest pain, shortness of breath and starts sweating heavily.
  • One feels weak, visual disturbances, seizures and speech impairment.
  • Sudden fever may come along with cough and breathing problems.

Treatments for blood clot:

  • It is always suggested to stay away from all types of bad habits like drinking or smoking.
  • Improve the lifestyle and follow everything in a particular routine.
  • Never cross your legs while sitting.
  • Make sure there is free blood circulation within the body and this can be ensured when the body is kept normal and without any obstructions.
  • Garlic is natural antibiotic that helps in stopping blood clots.
  • Have dark chocolates as they have also proved to be effective in such cases.
  • Consume vitamin C and omega 3 fatty acids as they contain anti oxidants and helps to control the blood clots.
  • Follow a healthy diet and eat lots of green vegetables which help in solving such problems.
Tonsillitis : Causes and Treatments Sat, 25 Feb 2023 12:26:17 +0000 Tonsillitis is a common problem among kids and small children and they are very brutal. This results in severe fever, headache, and throat pain. There are symptoms of problem in swallowing and these results in problem while eating. These are the causes of virus attacks or other causes due to unhygienic foods etc. there are many causes of such problems and certain preservative measures and tips can help you handle such cases.

  • The most important is to increase the immunity system. Once you eat healthy foods and lot of waters the immunity system within the body increases and helps you fight various germs and viruses.
  • Having bad habits and taking different alcohols, pan or cigarette smoking can cause all such problems. Even they can result you in serious problems like cancer and other dangerous oral diseases. Sooner get away from such bad habits.
  • Antibiotics are best solution for tonsillitis and can help you get out of the trouble. If you experience fever along with it go for antibiotics and they have proved very effective. Take the help of physician also.
  • Gargle is another good way to get rid of the disease and it has been proved experimentally that vigorous gargle and such systems can cure your tonsillitis very soon.
  • Even at some cases it is noticed that due to some problems related to dental hygiene and oral problems tonsillitis develop and troubles an individual. The best remedy is to take the help of dentist and take his valuable suggestions. Even you can keep visiting him on a regular basis.
  • If none of the above cases solve the problem you can visit a specialist and he will check if there is some problem with the glands. A minor surgery and some modifications can completely cure the disease.