Health & Beauty – An Entertainment Website | Health Care | Lifestyle Sat, 25 Feb 2023 15:36:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Poor Blood circulation signs and symptoms Sat, 25 Feb 2023 15:36:21 +0000 Maintaining a good health is one of the best things and there are no second thoughts to that. Every individual should ensure that they maintain their health and follow accordingly. Once the blood circulation is proper through the body the health is maintained. Blood circulatory problems are not something that starts within a day or two but because of several years. This article is all about blood circulation problems and the best way to maintain the body. To deliver oxygen and other valuable nutrients to different parts of the body is the main function of blood and once this system is effected serious health issues can result. The human blood circulation comprises of two parts namely the systematic circulation and the pulmonary circulation. The systematic circulation carries oxygenated blood from heart to different parts of the body.

Poor circulation of blood is caused due to inadequate supply of blood or improper functioning of blood vessels. Such can result in different problems such as the tissue damage, increases the chances of ruptures, and reduces further flow of blood. The main causes for such problems is smoking, drinking alcohol, unhealthy or improper diet, obesity and lack of physical exercise. All such things add to the poor circulation of blood within the body. Now the poor circulation in the body can be marked with different symptoms. Some are mentioned bellow.

v  Almost 20 percentage of the blood circulation in the body is received via brain. Once the blood flow is dropped the brain functions are reduced automatically resulting in loss of memory, lack of mental clarity, lethargy feeling, headaches and sudden attack of dizziness.

v  Improper flow of blood to the different parts of the body can result in different problems in limbs such as the hands or legs. Often the patient complains about leg cramps, hand pain and numbness on hands, fingers.

v  The systems of poor blood circulation can be marked from chest pain, high blood pressure and rise in cholesterol level. This results in difficulty in climbing stairs, walking and the patient feel breathlessness and tired quite frequently.

v  Poor blood circulation results in kidney problems and further the hand swells up, feet and ankle problems rise in the blood pressure and altered heart rate. Kidney plays an important role in eliminating the waste and excess water from the body and all such functions are affected.

v  Early symptoms of poor blood circulation can be found with loss of appetite, weight loss and poor functioning of the liver.

v  Poor blood circulation can affect the reproductive organs and result in lack of sex drive and fatigue.

Treatment to increase the blood circulation:

Ø  Exercise regularly and such thing can start the blood circulation.

Ø  Surgery can be a good option where vein from other part of the body can be used to bypass the blocked or narrowed artery.

Ø  Avoid all the bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking.

Ø  Drink plenty of water and nearly eight to ten glasses of water for proper hydration.

Ø  Green vegetables and fruits are best to take and ensure you include those regularly on your diet.

Ø  Increase the consumption of magnesium and vitamin B6 supplements.

Ø  Try massaging therapy which encourages the blood circulation in the body.

Ø  Eat garlic regularly in your food as it is helpful in increasing the circulation.

Ø  Angioplasty can be undertaken as it is helpful in enlarging the narrowed arteries.

Ø  Try hot packs and castor oil packs to relieve the pain and cramping.

Ø  Drink lots of lemon juice and lemonade as it contains citrate which is helpful enough.

Mouth ulcer causes and treatment Sat, 25 Feb 2023 12:21:25 +0000 A mouth ulcer or any mouth infection is very harmful and can result in lot of problems and pain. You can’t take normal food in fact feel the problem of having them. They don’t allow you to relax and needs immediate medicines. Some solutions are provided for mouth ulcer and that can help you get out of the problem fast enough.

  • Try avoiding citrus foods and acidic foods as they are very sensitive for ulcer problems. You may feel problem and will take a while if such foods are taken. So try avoiding them for some time.
  • Doctors believe the deficiency in iron and vitamin B12 can result in ulcer problems. So start having foods and diets which are having rich in such facts. You can develop to have vitamin B-12 and Iron rich foods and they can be helpful.
  • A paste of baking soda and water can be applied on the affected place. This may pain you initially but on the long run can help you getting relief from the ulcer problem. This is considered as one of the immediate solution to Ulcer problems.
  • Mouth ulcers are caused due to excessive body heat and so taking of cool drinks like coconut water and chilled water can help your cause. You will also feel relief for a while.
  • A mixture of salt and water is highly suggestible as this helps in cleaning the ulcer area and driving away all the infections. You can feel the place and help you avoid any adverse affects of ulcer, such as infections.
  • In cases of ulcers you are advised to avoid all hot drinks and beverages as they can affect it badly. So stay away from coffee and tea during those times.
  • You can take the help of vitamin tablets for immediate relief.
Most effective ways to prevent stomach acid Sat, 25 Feb 2023 12:03:28 +0000 Stomach is one of the important parts of our body and you need to mention every possible way to ensure that it is safe and in good working condition.  The whole human body needs proper maintaining else it can turn out to be a serious issue. It can raise various harmful diseases. The stomach plays in maintain and regulating the body function so you need to make sure you properly takes care of it. Proper diet and avoiding certain things can make sure that your health is ok and in good condition. The following steps should be taken to ensure that the stomach acid is avoided.

  • Generally eating spicy foods and rich foods can give rise to acids. So prefer taking normal and regular items, try avoiding rich and spicy foods. They are hugely responsible for stomach acids.
  • Lifestyle also delivers stomach acids. A proper healthy schedule and timings can ensure that the proper balance of the body is maintained. You can keep away all the harmful and adverse stomach diseases away.
  • Talking plenty of water is always suggestible and it helps in maintain the body balance. The stomach remains stable and so you can enjoy a good health
  • Whenever you are facing problem with stomach acids prefer eating normal and chilled water. It helps in neutralizing the body and keeps acids away.
  • Mints and chewing mint gums are always good and help you to keep stomach acids away. So always try keeping mints and such items on your pocket.
  • Drinking milk is found to be effective and helpful when having problem with the stomach acids. It ensures and makes the stomach cool and keeps away the acid.
  • Bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol can create adverse effects to your stomach and they may result in frequent stomach acids. Keep away with such bad habits.
Sign of high body temperature Sat, 25 Feb 2023 11:56:37 +0000 There are various factors that are responsible for the high body temperature. According to physicians there are number of reasons that are responsible for severe fever. Every individual should carefully handle such cases and accordingly take expert help. Some of the common signs of high body temperature are listed below.

  • One of the most common and frequent signs are feeling cold and shivering. Patients feel shivering and feel cold when they come outside. This is because the body temperature is high and it makes you feel cold when you come outside.
  • The next common problem that is seen is severe headache. The patients suffering from severe complain of headache and at times it is very severe. It can be very dangerous and result in some serious problems.
  • Sometimes convulsion results due to sever fever. This are commonly found in adults and in very rare cases small kids are found with such problems. This means apart from fever the patient complains about stomach infection and roseola.
  • The higher the fever it gives rise to dehydration. Fever gives rise to dehydration and it is suggested to keep having frequent fluids to get out of such problems.
  • Another sign that is noticed is that tremendous sweat generates and it results in perspiration. When the body releases the fever the patient starts sweating.
  • Once you suffer from severe fever different stomach problems starts and these results in diarrhea and stomach pains.
  •  When a patient starts facing sever fever the body temperature increases and it results in tremendous cough and it remains unless some medicines are taken.
  • Another interesting thing that is noticed while sever fever is that the heart palpitations starts. This results in higher heart beats. The common reason for it is anaemia, low blood pressure, dehydration and fever.
best ways to beat stress Sat, 25 Feb 2023 11:55:09 +0000 In the present world all the individuals are focused in making wealth and becoming successful, and in that way they are piling up the different tensions and eventually feeling stressed. These are some harmful things and can affect the body as well as the mind. According to experts there are different ways by which you can beat stress. Some of them are listed below.

  • Sometimes spending in peace and allowing the mind to settle has found to give good result. You can concentrate better and can get better perspective of things.
  • Proper breathing and other different breathing patterns help you to relax and thereby you can release lot of the stress. This has proved to be effective and helpful but you need to learn some good breathing techniques.
  • Apart from doing work all the time, try focusing in some other works that makes you feel happy and joyful. That way you can release lot of stress and tension. Cycling, jogging and other physical activities are helpful in such cause.
  • Sometime it is helpful to cut out from the normal world and enjoy of your own. You can think of doing some different things and those will help you in feeling relaxed.
  • Go for frequent holidays and enjoy with your friends, that way you can relax and keep away all the stress and tension.
  • Getting a good body massage and other related activities help you to release tension and you can feel relaxed.
  • If you are worried and concerned about something don’t keep it to yourself, try sharing it with others. If you want you can cry also and that helps you to feel relaxed and drive away all the tension and fears.
  • Always keep enjoying your life and share some jokes with your friends and colleagues.
Benefits of Yoga Sat, 25 Feb 2023 11:28:00 +0000 In recent times where every individual is busy in their own life, stress and different tensions, yoga can be really helpful. Yoga acts as a good remedy for all sorts tension and provides you with all relief and relaxation. Few more benefits of yoga are listed below.

  • The best part about yoga exercises is that it helps in maintaining the heart and provides a healthy heart. Yoga responds to the nervous system and can be checked by the heart beat variability.
  • Everybody responds to the stress through inflammation. By performing yoga you can reduce the threat of inflammation and thereby makes the body effective for all sorts of stress and tension.
  • Experts believe yoga is a good remedy for curing high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause all types of heart diseases such as heart attacks. Once the patient carries out regular yoga, it can cure the problem of high blood pressures and reduce the chances of other diseases.
  • Emotions can be effectively controlled through yoga. Emotions are the root cause for all types of tension and stress. Once you can control your emotions, stress can be effectively controlled.
  • Yoga helps in improving the blood circulation and helps in flowing of oxygen. The levels of hemoglobin and platelets go high and provide essential proteins. With improved heart circulations the heart diseases can be controlled.
  • Yoga has proved helpful in maintaining the weight and reduces useless fats from the body. So rather controlling your diet start yoga practicing every day.

So no matter what’s the condition of your health it’s never too late. Start going to yoga classes regularly and it will effectively control all your body functions and help in circulation of blood. Experts and professionals also refer for yoga classes and there are enough benefits of such sessions.

Best treatments for acne scars Sat, 18 Feb 2023 14:52:16 +0000

There are lot of individuals who complain of acne and other pimples. This is irrespective of boys or girls. There are lots of natural treatments available and one you follow those techniques they are really helpful. The most important thing associated with pimples or acne s that never scratch them with nails else they can turn out very dangerous. The import natural and homemade remedies are mentioned below.

  • Aloe vera is very effective and putting the paste or juice from the aloe vera leaves can be applied to the affected area. They have shown good sign and can cure it completely.
  • Tomatoes are superb for treating acne. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin a and so it can help in curing the problem. Apply paste or a slice of tomatoes on your face daily.
  • Olive oil works remarkably and can help the skin to improve. Even olive oils can prove effective for acne or pimples. Simply apply those one your affected place regularly.
  • A mixture of rose water and sandal wood can be applied regularly. It has proved helpful to many.
  • Applying a multani mitti paste over the effected place for 20 minutes can show good results. Try it on a regular basis.
  • Lavender oil is also effective and can help improving.
  • It is suggested to drink water so that the blood is clean and the impurities are washed away.
  • Try avoiding oily foods and too much spicy foods.
  • Eat lots of green vegetables and fruits.
  • Applying garlic paste on the affected area can show good result. Try it for several weeks.
  • The white portion of the egg can be applied and it shows a good sign for such acne problems.
  • Drinking of lemon juice as well as applying those on the face can be helpful.